Having located a new family of Little Grebes I sat myself down quietly to observe the 3 hatchlings (from 4 eggs), the light was against me and despite a patient wait they just didnt come close enough to get decent shots - I shall try again another day. It was just wonderful to watch them though, and I enjoyed watching their antics. I had to have a giggle to myself as the male was working hard bringing food for the babies, however he went off for a bit and when he began to return the female called and he went over with an offering of weeds and she gave him a right telling off! Guess it was babyfood she wanted not a clump of weed! :) I also watched a Water Vole swimming across the water.
A good sighting of Hobby was a highlight today, it came over the park being given its marching orders by a Common Tern, it headed off west towards the Humber Bridge.
After a meander to the cafe for a latte and chocolate, we made our way back through the park. I was chuffed to spot a Little Egret fishing in the shallows of one of the pits but it was off after about 5 mins.
A nice few hours out and very warm though the sun refused to shine :(
We also visited the park yesterday (11th) and observed a Bittern and Kingfisher during our visit.
Here are a few shots I took today.
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